- Anybody can join!
- Your name/alias, a valid email, and country are required to join.
- Inappropriate names (with derogatory/hateful terms) will not be listed.
- Sites with hateful, derogatory, or primarily pornographic content will not be listed (but name and country will still be listed).
- A website isn't required to join, but if you have one, please link back to the fanlisting. Please have the link up on your site before joining, otherwise your site may not be listed.
- Social media profiles such as Instagram, Tiktok, etc. will not be accepted as websites.
- Hotlinking codes is okay, but I recommend saving them to your own server or an image hosting service instead.
- Submissions are processed by hand, if it's been over 2 weeks since your submission, please email me at stel [at] disroot [dot] org.
Fields with an asterisk (*) are required.
If you want to update your data or have problems submitting, email me.